Useful information:

  • Available for 2 to 7 people
  • Ticket is only valid during off-peak hours, i.e. weekdays before 06:30, between 09:00 and 16:00, and after 18:30. At weekends all public holidays.
  • Co-passengers must always travel together with the main ticket holder. Co-passengers can get on the same time, or at a subsequent station on the chosen route.
  • Group ticket is only valid with a proof of identity. So don’t forget to bring a valid identity card


  • 2 persons €34 (€ 17,00 per person)
  • 3 persons €34 (€ 11,33 per person)
  • 4 persons €38 (€ 9,50 per person)
  • 5 persons €42 (€ 8,40 per person)
  • 6 persons €46 (€ 7,67 per person)
  • 7 persons €50 (€ 7,15 per person)

*The preceding information has been sourced from the official website of the NS.